BNR article index1. When is an estate income tax return required?2. Who pays tax on estate income?3. Taxation of testamentary trusts4. 5 common estate tax traps and tips5. Main residency exemption and nursing homes6. Drafting Wills – factoring tax into account when dividing assets among beneficiaries7. Deceased carried on business GST and ABN registrations must be addressed8. Superannuation death benefits and transfer balance caps9. PCG 2019/5 extension of the two-year period on the sale of a deceased’s main residence10. CGT on properties acquired by the deceased pre-September 198511. Superannuation death benefits Q&A12. Superannuation death benefits Part 113. Superannuation death benefits Part 214. Death Benefits – Defence force and Police personnel15. Case study – Parents living overseas agreed ‘Death benefit dependants’16. Gifts to foreign residents – usual rollover does not apply17. Lump sum payments from foreign superannuation funds18. Testamentary charitable trusts reporting obligations for ACNC19. Estate assets passing to a testamentary charitable trust20. Superannuation – Payment of death benefits to estate21. A sense of entitlement – understanding the difference for tax purposes between absolute, present and specific entitlement22. Accessing trust capital gains flowchart23. Tax changes relating to a minor’s share of trust income24. Trust accounting25. Small business CGT exemptions in deceased estates26. When two units of accommodation regarded as one dwelling for main residence exemption purposes27. Can I deduct fees for managing tax affairs of deceased?28. Examples of BNR advocacy29. Trading stock and deceased estates30. Don’t demolish your main residence exemption31. Helping LPRs find certainty32. Executor’s commission – income tax and GST issues33. Helping LPRs finding certainty – rulings34. Trustee fettering of discretions35. The importance of cost base records36. Dealing with a company connected to an estate37. Tax exempt residuary beneficiaries38. Testamentary charitable trusts: annual ACNC reporting obligations39. Estates and cryptocurrency40. Special disability trusts41. Changes to CGT implications for granny flats from 1 July 202142. Removal of Special Purpose Financial Statements for certain ‘For-Profit’ private sector entities43. Medicare levy44. Adjacent land45. Interest payable on testamentary gifts46. Tax losses and capital losses47. Student loans and death48. Remember inheritances affect your Centrelink benefits!49. ATO view unclear about who is expected to benefit from a death benefit paid to an estate50. Capital gain or loss if beneficiary pays executor an amount in respect to the transfer of an estate asset